SunFlower Power Pack

Figured we would teach the girls some homesteading. I’ve been growing Mongolian mammoth sunflowers from a dozen seeds I got a few years back and we reserve some back to replant every year. This year we have an abundance so we will be selling some with profits going to next years garden. They grow around 14 feet high, and we will be doing a generous seed bag of 50-75 seeds for $12. Louise and I work hard in the garden and so a Lou for scale of sunflower heads.
We will also include some free Red Beauty radish pods and some Mammoth dill seed because its been a good season.
Im waiting on dry time and have been out of town a TON this month so bare with on shipping. But they will be to you way before fall is over.
These sunflowers get big. If you want massive heads they require plenty of pruning of sucker leaves. They work great with snow peas in the spring as they provide a great way to grow upward.